Turkey Song ♫ Thanksgiving Song For Kids ♫ Pet Turkey ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Turkey Song ♫ Thanksgiving Song For Kids ♫ Pet Turkey ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags thankgiving, turkeys, turkey songs
In this Thanksgiving song for kids a pet turkey is a friend, not a dinner.
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Turkey Song
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Once I found a turkey and I kept him as my pet.
I’ve been taking care of him. It’s years since we first met.
I dressed him up in shirts and ties and real expensive suits,
with a big brown leather belt and some big brown leather boots.
This is what I do for my cool feathered friend.
I try to keep him safe so our friendship never ends.
But he’s a wanted bird on this year’s Thanksgiving Day.
He’s expected to be dinner, but this is what I say.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
The same thing happened last year. It’s not easy to forget.
We ran and hid and everyone was looking for this bird,
And when they found us, I jumped out and this is what they heard.
This is what I do for my cool feathered friend.
I try to keep him safe so our friendship never ends.
But he’s a wanted bird on this year’s Thanksgiving day.
He’s expected to be dinner, but this is what I say.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
The same thing happened last year it’s not easy to forget.
We ran and hid and everyone was looking for this bird,
And when they found us, I jumped out and this is what they heard.
No, no, not this turkey. Eat your peas and corn.
You’ve been eating turkeys every year since you were born.
There’s other foods that you can find. They might taste better yet.
But if you find a turkey, you’ll say this if he’s your pet.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
Please don’t eat my feathered friend. He’s my special pet.
Gobble gobble
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