Toys Are Crying 🧸😭 Be Kind to Your Toys 💖 Good Habits Songs for Kids | JunyTony


Toys Are Crying 🧸😭 Be Kind to Your Toys 💖 Good Habits Songs for Kids | JunyTony with tags juny and tony, juni toni, babysongs, singalong, nursery rhymes, children songs, toddler songs, preschool songs, kids music, kids video, kids cartoon, kids animation, kindergarten song, best kids song, funny stories, 주니토니 영어, good manners, good habits, take care of your toys, play safely, educational video, learning for kids, toddler fun, preschool learning, baby education, kids entertainment, broken toys, sad toys, empathy for kids, crying toys, happy toys, kindness

Oh no! The toys are crying!

Teddy Bear is crying because her stuffing is coming out.

Toy Car is crying with dents all over his body.

Who could have done this to the toys?

Let’s sing with JunyTony to find out!

Visit JunyTony YouTube channel and enjoy the most exciting songs and stories for children.


I am a fluffy teddy bear.

My stuffing’s peeking out.

My best friend threw me so hard.

Now I’m torn, boo-hoo-hoo!

I am a speedy, speedy toy car.

My body’s squished here and there.

My best friend threw me so hard.

Now I’m broken, boo-hoo-hoo!

You throw me when you’re happy.

You throw me when you’re angry.

What are we supposed to do?

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Treat them with care.

They’re your best friends.

Please don’t throw your toys!

I am a bouncy rubber ball.

I feel so sad and bad.

My best friend threw me so hard.

I hurt my bestie’s friend,


I am a tiny, tiny block.

I’m bored beneath the dusty dresser.

My best friend threw me so hard.

I’m lost in the dark, boo-hoo-hoo!

You throw me when you’re bored.

You throw me just because!

What are we supposed to do?

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Treat them with care.

They’re your best friends.

Please don’t throw your toys!

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Please don’t, don’t throw your toys.

Don’t, don’t throw your toys!

Treat them with care.

They’re your best friends.

Please don’t throw your toys!


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