Toy Car Stories from Steve and Maggie + Learn MORE Words | Free Speaking Wow English TV

Toy Car Stories from Steve and Maggie + Learn MORE Words | Free Speaking Wow English TV with tags toy car, cars for kids, steve and maggie, steve, wow english tv, maggie and steve, english stories for children, free english, speaking english, english stories, english stories for kids, english speaking, stories for kids, stories for children, english words, learn english speaking, learn english, speak english, magic english, learning english, english lessons, wow, esl english, maggie, wow english, english for kids, blippi, learn english kids, english for children
EASTER IS COMING! Let's watch this great video full of stories with Steve and Maggie. Look! Steve and Maggie are having a picnic. Do you like having a picnic? Yeah? What do they eat? But wait, the food is missing now, where did it go? What's happening? Next, Steve is going on an Easter Egg Hunt. Throughout his adventure, he finds a toy car, a helicopter, a train and a plane. Yay! Oh, and what about that big chocolate Easter Egg? Let's jump into this English collection for children with Steve and Maggie. HAVE FUN and learn free ESL English speaking! New words from Steve and Maggie.--------------------Wow! teaching materials for kidsRequest books: http://www.wowenglish.comSupport us and you will receive a personalised birthday message for your child from StevePatreon: video clips and songs (Show for kids with Steve and Maggie)Amazon: for kidsiTunes: (T-shirts, mugs, bags, )SpreadShirt: us on Social:Facebook: by Wattsenglish Ltd.