This Is The Way We Go To Bed | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs


This Is The Way We Go To Bed | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs with tags kids songs, songs for kids, nursery rhymes, super simple songs, this is the way, bedtime song, this is the way we go to school, bedtime, this is the way song, this is the way we go to bed super simple, this is the way we go to bed, bedtime music, bedtime routine, bedtime songs for children, this is the way kids song, songs for toddlers, tthis is the way we take a bath, this is the way we put on your clothes, this is the way we brush your teeth, bedtime songs for kids

It's time to go to bed! Practice bedtime routines with this super fun kids song, This Is The Way We Go To Bed! Take a bath, put on your pajamas, brush your teeth and read a book as you sing along with this bedtime song.Subscribe Simple Songs Playlist This is the way we take a bath,take a bath, take a bath.This is the way we take a bath.We do it every evening.This is the way we put on our pajamas,put on our pajamas, put on our pajamas.This is the way we put on our pajamas.We do it every evening.This is the way we brush our teeth.Brush our teeth. Brush our teeth.This is the way we brush our teeth.We do it every evening. This is the way we read a book.Read a book. Read a book.This is the way we read a book.We do it every evening.This is the way we say, Good night.Say, Good night. Say, Good night.This is the way we say, Good night.We do it every evening. This is the way we go to sleep.******Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:*****We're Super Social, too!facebook:*****Super Simple Songs and Super Simple Learning are registered trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company.#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #supersimplesongs