The Skeleton Dance - Kids Halloween Song | Halloween Songs for Children

The Skeleton Dance - Kids Halloween Song | Halloween Songs for Children with tags skeleton dance, halloween, halloween song, dem bones, halloween songs, kids, skeletons, dance songs, shake dem bones, bones, spooky, skeleton dance song, crazy skeleton, halloween songs for children, trick or treat, nursery rhymes, kids songs, scary nursery rhyme, haunted house, bounce patrol, kids music, children's music, for kids, preschool, toddlers, songs, rhymes, children, skeleton bones, skeleton, halloween music, halloween songs for kids, halloween songs scary, them bones
Let's do the Skeleton Dance! It's a bouncy Halloween song for children. Get your Halloween costume and shake your dancing bones! First your legs get wobbly, then both your arms do too - can you wobble like a skeleton? Halloween songs for kids and children of all ages. Happy Halloween!Get the song iTunes: Play: to our Halloween album on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Amazon, Google Play or wherever you get your music! Just search "Bounce Patrol"For behind the scenes extras, parents can find us in these places:Facebook: so you don't miss our new videos: Patrol make original songs and nursery rhymes for kids - from toddlers and preschool, through to kindergarten and elementary school age. Thanks for watching!