The Naughty Gray Crayon vs. Gray Fruits and Veggies 🖤 Crayon Fairies|Kids Songs|JunyTony


The Naughty Gray Crayon vs. Gray Fruits and Veggies 🖤 Crayon Fairies|Kids Songs|JunyTony with tags juny&tony, juny and tony, juni toni, babysongs, singalong, nursery rhymes, children songs, toddler songs, preschool songs, kids music, kids video, kids cartoon, kids animation, kindergarten song, kids pop, best kids song, english songs, funny stories, kizcastle, 주니토니 영어

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Oh, no!

The naughty gray crayon made colorful fruits and veggies gray again!

But brave colorful crayons came to save the day!

Can Juny and Tony have colorful fruits and veggies?


There are too many

colorful fruits and veggies!


I know what to do!

Eww! No!

The fruits are too colorful!

Eww! No!

I’ll color them gray, gray, gray!

Gray lemons!

Gray plums!

And gray peaches!

I was going to make a fruit salad.

I can’t make a salad

with gray fruits!

No, no!

Stop right there!

You naughty crayon!

No, no, no, no!

Don’t you cry.

Don’t you cry.

We’re here for you.

Yellow lemons,

purple plums,

and pink peaches again!

Why is everything too colorful?

Oh! I know what to do!

Eww! No!

The veggies are too colorful!

Eww! No!

I’ll color them gray, gray, gray!

Gray bell peppers!

Gray tomatoes!

And gray lettuce!

I was going to have

a vegetable salad.

I can’t make a salad

with gray vegetables!

No, no!

Stop right there!

You naughty crayon!

No, no, no, no!

Don’t you cry.

Don’t you cry.

We’re here for you.

Colorful bell peppers,

rainbow tomatoes,

and green lettuce again!

Thank you, Colorful Crayons!

I’ll be back again!


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