The Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes and Children`s Songs | LooLoo KIDS

The Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes and Children`s Songs | LooLoo KIDS with tags the finger family, family finger, family finger loolookids, loo loo kids, looloo kids, nursery rhymes, children songs, nursery rhymes for babies, #loo loo, toddlers songs, kids videos, kids songs, kid songs, johny johny yes papa, #loolookids, #looloonurseryrhymes, #looloocartoons
Nursery Rhymes and Children`s Songs - LooLoo Kids LooLoo Kids on SPOTIFY Watch the LooLoo Kids Playlist: Download our new app for and now: Subscribe to our channel because new videos are uploaded every week! Follow us on Facebook for new updates! Tweet to us! are always happy to hear from you! Please share your feedback on our nursery rhymes in the comments or through our social media!Daddy finger, daddy finger,Where are you?Here I am, here I am.How do you do?Mommy finger, mommy finger,Where are you?Here I am, here I am.How do you do?Brother finger, brother finger,Where are you?Here I am, here I am.How do you do?Sister finger, sister finger,Where are you?Here I am, here I am.How do you do?Baby finger, baby finger,Where are you?Here I am, here I am.How do you do? Enjoy other LooLoo Kids nursery rhymes:Johny, Johny Yes Papa Rolling - in The Jungle - Speckled Frogs - educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, #loolookids #johnyandfriends #fingerfamily