The car transporter with racing cars on a ferry. New full episodes. Helper cars cartoons for kids.


The car transporter with racing cars on a ferry. New full episodes. Helper cars cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons for kids, full episodes, cartoons, racing cars, new, new cartoons, car transporter, little racing cars, cars for kids, ferry, cartoon for kids, learn vehicles, trucks for kids, kids cartoons, street vehicles, cars and trucks, watch cartoons for kids, learning cartoons, play with cars, tow trucks, dump trucks, big trucks for kids, cartoon cars, cartoons trucks, trucks cartoons for kids

Come watch new full episodes of Helper cars cartoons for kids on KidsFirstTV channel! It seems that the car transporter with little racing cars need help. Let's save the day and have fun with Helper cars for kids. Find more new episodes on our kids' channel.

00:00 - The ferry

05:19 - The loader in the river

09:54 - The flying car

15:17 - Pickup's wheels

21:22 - The milk on the road