The Ants Go Marching THE BEST Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids


The Ants Go Marching THE BEST Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids with tags the ants go marching, the ants go marching one by one song, the ants go marching one by one song lyrics, the ants go marching loo loo kids, ants go marching, educational children songs, learn english songs, looloo kids, animals, numbers, looloo, loo loo kids, loolookids, loo loo, nursery rhymes, funny, animation, song, songs for children, songs for kids, kids, children, babies, toddlers, funny song, kindergarten, kindergarten songs, 3d, compilaton, educational

You're watching "The Ants Go Marching", a super fun animated nursery rhyme created by LooLoo Kids! You can buy a compilation that includes this song here: to our channel because new videos are uploaded every week! Follow us on Facebook for new updates! Tweet to us! are always happy to hear from you! Please share your feedback on our nursery rhymes in the comments or through our social media!The Ants Go Marching LyricsThe ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching three by three,The little one stops to climb a treeAnd they all go marching down to the groundTo get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching six by six,The little one stops to pick up sticksAnd they all go marching down to the groundTo get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching nine by nine,The little one stops to check the timeAnd they all go marching down to the groundTo get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching ten by ten,The little one stops to shout The end!And they all go marching down to the groundTo get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Watch the LooLoo Kids Playlist: Enjoy other LooLoo Kids nursery rhymes:Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Baa, Black Sheep Little Baby Wheels On The Bus Wincy Spider Little Ducks Dumpty Little Kittens ABC Song Little Monkeys Finger Family MacDonald Had A Farm You're Happy And You Know It educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, #loolookids #looloonurseryrhymes #loolookids #looloocartoons #looloonurseryrhymes