Sushi Dinner Disaster Simulator Awkward Fail Video Game

Sushi Dinner Disaster Simulator Awkward Fail Video Game with tags cookie swirl, show, video, game, cookieswirlc videos, roblox, roblox videos, cookie, swirl, cookie swirl c, new, today, world, cookie swirl videos, reaction, reaction video, rp, story, youtube, youtuber, random, random videos, recommended, sim, simulator, disaster, date, dating, first date, table manners, food, dinner, awkward, worst date, worst, fail, physics, swipe right
Today Im going to eat sushi for dinner at a nice restaurant. Everything could go well and be the best dates ever or they could be a disaster! Table Manners is a crazy fun physics-based dating simulator game :) I hope you enjoy the video! :D
Hugs HUGS!!!
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