Suri and Anna with a Day Activities about Good Behaviors from Their Lives


Suri and Anna with a Day Activities about Good Behaviors from Their Lives with tags height, ruller, rules, outside, activities, day out, safsty, behaviors, behavior, friendship, play together, friends, uncle, auntie, toy, toys for kids, toys, annie, suri, for kids, video for kids, sammy, toys and colors, funny kids, funny kids video, kid stories, stories, pretend play, kidsplay, kids play, children

Suri, Anna, and Leon pretend play useful stories about good behavior for kids. They show many good examples such as fun activities, sharing, helping others, and more. They have different heights, so, their activities are disrupted. But finally, they still find ways to have fun activities together.

The lesson learned from this video is that being taller can be useful in some specific activities.