Sesame Street: How to be an Upstander to Racism Song | #ComingTogether

Sesame Street: How to be an Upstander to Racism Song | #ComingTogether with tags #comingtogether, sesame street coming together, sesame street racism, how to be an upstander song, elmo stand up to racism, sesame street elmo, abby cadabby, elmo and abby, sesame street songs, learning racism for kids, teaching racism, elmo's dad, upstander to racism, songs to teach racism, power of we special, sesame street power of we, elmo power of we, sesame street racism special
Join Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Gabrielle, and Tamir to learn what you can say and do when you see someone being treated unfairly because of the color of their skin or fur. Watch The Power of We: A Sesame Street Special premiering Thursday, October 15 on HBO MAX and PBS KIDS. #ComingTogether