Saturday Morning Yoga | Minecraft


Saturday Morning Yoga | Minecraft with tags kids yoga, yoga for kids, yoga for kid, yoga for kids- full yoga, yoga for children, yoga for children beginners, yoga music, yoga, cosmic kids yoga, kids workout, fun videos for kids, workout for kids, physical exercise for kids, children workout, movement exercise, fun workout, fun yoga, home workout for kids, workout at home, minecraft

A magnificent 40 minute mix of your favourite kids yoga and mindfulness to get the whole family feeling zen! 0:00 Minecraft Yoga | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! How would it actually feel to be IN Minecraft? What would those first 24 hours involve? Well in this adventure we find out as we physically inhabit the world of Minecraft with our yoga! 20:49 SUPER YOGA! - Ocean Party - A 5 minute fast-paced yoga-based workout for kids. Get the wiggles out and build your knowledge of all the kids yoga poses. A fun challenge for memory, coordination and information processing. We see the pose picture come down the screen and land in the bubble-o-meter. We do the yoga pose and hold it for the amount of time it takes to get the precious points! There's always a mad moment of some kind in the middle and at the end we lie down to enjoy receiving all the goodness of our exercises! Ahhhh! Bliss. 26:11 Crab Pose | Yoga Pose Universe - Let's have a scuttle around being crabs ! We move side to side with a digga digga digga and maybe enjoy a spot of footie!28:20 Giraffe Pose | Yoga Pose Universe We stretch as tall as a giraffe to munch leaves from the trees...and we test our balance as we fold forwards to floor! In grownups yoga we call this Parsvottanasana - Intense Side Stretch ...I prefer Giraffe...bit more catchy!29:59 Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco | Hi My Name's Joe - Time to get warm! See if you can keep up with the moves and even pick up the song to sing along! It's a catchy one - and will make you laugh! 33:46 Peace Out Guided Meditation for Kids | Cosmic Counting In this guided relaxation, we learn to count our breaths, in order to tune in to the present moment and feel happy and calm. All our videos are ad-free on the Cosmic Kids App! The complete Cosmic Kids video library. View on any computer, TV, smartphone and tablet. Safe viewing: no commercials, links or suggested videos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get your FREE Kids Yoga Posture Poster! - - - - - - - - - - - - Learn to teach kids yoga with me! - - - - - - - - - - - - Buy Cosmic Kids DVD's, gifts & books! - - - - - - - - - - - - Lots more at Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Visit our shop:'t forget to subscribe!