Round and Round Song - Jumblikans Learning Songs - ChuChuTV Dinosaur Cartoon for Children


Round and Round Song - Jumblikans Learning Songs - ChuChuTV Dinosaur Cartoon for Children with tags round and round song - jumblikans learning songs, baby songs and dance, children songs, baby songs, nursery rhymes baby, nursery rhymes for babies, baby songs a b c d, songs for babies, baby songs nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes bingo, videos for babies, sing-along, kid songs, babies songs, nursery rhymes, baby songs sleep, sing-along songs, baby songs lyrics, nursery rhymes playlist for children, kids song, baby songs new, chuchu tv, chuchu tv songs

Wheels on the Bus song gets a new twist when the Jumblikans sing and learn about things that go around.

Round and Round Song - Jumblikans Learning Songs Lyrics:

So many things go round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

So many things spin and turn around,

Letā€™s see what they are!

The wheels on the cars go round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

The wheels they spin to move us around,

Letā€™s turn like wheels!

The hands on the clock go round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

The hands say tick-tock while going around,

Letā€™s say tick-tock!

The carousel in the park goes around,

Round and round, round and round,

The carousel turns takes the kids around,

Letā€™s turn like a carousel!

The train on the tracks goes round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

The train whistles while it goes around,

Letā€™s whistle like the train!

Our planet Earth goes round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

The Earth spins on its axis, goes around,

Letā€™s spin like the Earth!

The love we give goes round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

Letā€™s open our hearts and spread it around,

Spread love all around

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Video: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TVĀ® Studios

Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TVĀ® Studios

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