Roma and Diana's Family Vacation in Singapore | Travel Vlogs


Roma and Diana's Family Vacation in Singapore | Travel Vlogs with tags roma and diana, diana and roma, diana, diana y roma, diana roma, vacation in singapore, singapore, singapore travel, travel guide, singapore vlog, family vlog, family friendly, vlog, vlogs, travel vlog, travel

Roma and Diana's Vacation in Singapore | Family Vlogs

We explore the top sights, try delicious food, and have fun in this amazing city. Watch our family vlog to see all the adventures we have in Singapore!

00:00 Family Vacation in Singapore

04:40 Diana and Roma at Shop Qatar, Meet & Greet

07:06 Diana Roma & Oliver feed the Animals at the Emirates Park Zoo

11:26 Diana and Roma at Riyadh Toy Festival, Meet & Greet

13:53 Roma and Diana's Family Visiting Santa Claus

17:50 Family Day at SeaWorld

24:35 Oliver and Dad's Thrilling Playground Adventure

28:36 Oliver and Mom Explore New Countries

#romaanddiana #singapore #travelvlog