Rev & Roll | Hide & Go Bentley - Twas the Trek Before Christmas | Episode 13 | Wildbrain Cartoons


Rev & Roll | Hide & Go Bentley - Twas the Trek Before Christmas | Episode 13 | Wildbrain Cartoons with tags rev and roll, wildbrain, rev and roll wildbrain, revandroll, rev & roll, cartoons for kids, cartoons, rev and roll cartoon, rev & roll wildbrain, cartoon, cartoon for kids

TAP HERE to SUBSCRIBE: family are taking care of Bentley the puppy for the day, so after their chores are done, its puppy playtime! Rev and Rumble teach Bentley how to play Hide and Seek. Bentley doesnt quite understand at firstbut once theyve played game after game, soon hes hiding so well, Rev and Rumble cant find him! Rev and Rumble search everywhere for him, with no luck. Now they have to race to find the pup before dark. Can Rumbles instincts help them track down their puppy pal? A big winter storm is headed for Fender Bendand its Christmas Eve! The kids worry that Santa Claus wont be able to find Fender Bend through all the snow. Rev suggests they round up their own toys, and deliver them to all the kids in townjust in case! Theyll need lots of Rumble power to get through the snowso they gear up with snow treads on all the vehicles! By the time they get to the last house, they can barely see through the stormand the last present got lost in the snow! Its up to Rev and Rumble to make sure even the child in the last house gets a gift. Rev & Roll - Full Episodes: New Videos - Rev & Roll: Top Videos - Rev & Roll: LINKS--Join 8-year-old Rev and his best friend, Rumblea rambunctious, powerful truck with a puppy personalityas they go on adventures in their hometown of Fender Bend! Everyone in town has their own unique four-wheeled buddy at their side. But Rev and Rumble are the ultimate pair. With Revs big ideas and Rumbles truck power, these two are always revved up and ready to roll!Each day brings a new adventure, a new challenge, and something epic to learn along the way, whether theyre helping Revs family on their ranch, wheeling around town, or roaring through the surrounding wilderness. Along for the ride are Avery and her feline ATV Alley, Owen and his jumpy frog-like racecar Crash, Lori and her powerful horse-like truck Tipper, and Bo and his shy, elephantine fire truck Spritzer. This energized group of friends are always in motion, bringing a high-octane spin to everything they do. Join the funlets Rev & Roll!--More from Rev & RollFacebook: from WildBrainOfficial Website: http://www.wildbrain.comFacebook:, #CartoonForKids, #WildBrain, #Rev&Roll, #Cartoons)#wildbraincartoons #kidsvideos