Peter Pan - How old are you? (Age) - Popular English story for Kids

Peter Pan - How old are you? (Age) - Popular English story for Kids with tags english singsing, english kids song, english song, english children song, esl song, esl english, kindergarden, learning english, nursery rhymes, toddler song, english song for kids, english song for children, animation
Peter Pan - How old are you? - English story for Kids
English Singsing! Learn English with stories.
This video in story category is that reconstruct famous fairy tale’s contents.
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Title: How old are you?
Hook: Hello, Peter.
Peter: Hook!
Hook: Haha. Your friends?
Peter: Yes. They're my friends.
Hook: How old are you?
John: I'm 7 years old.
Parrot: 7 years old. 7 years old.
Wendy: Wow! A talking bird.
Michael: How cute!
Parrot: How cute! How cute!
Hook: No, you're not cute.
Parrot: You're not cute. You're not cute.
Hook: How old are you?
Michael: I'm.... I'm....
Hook: How old are you?
Michael: I'm 4.
Hook: He's cute.
Hook: Oh, no!
Crocodile: Hi, Hook. How old are you?
Hook: Ah~~~
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