Pedal Power! Baby John Learns to Ride a Bike + More Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Pedal Power! Baby John Learns to Ride a Bike + More Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags air plane, ambulance, baby john, bulldozer, bus, construction worker, early learning kids songs, fire engine, fire fighter, garbage truck, jobs and careers educational, kids vehicles, little angel, little angel jobs and career songs, little angel nursery rhymes, police car, tractor, trains for kids, trucks for kids, community helpers song, community workers

Miss Hannah shares a fun and yummy fruit snack with the class.

I like to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how we can have fun

if we eat healthy

Let’s have some fun, fun, fun doing this together

Look how we can use fruit to make little faces

I like to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how I do it too

putting fruit together

I love to try, try, try jelly and blueberries

I like to play, play, play making funny faces.

I like to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how I do it too

putting fruit together

I want to try, try, try, chocolate and bananas

Can you guess what I’ve made with apples and bananas

I want to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how I do it too

putting fruit together

I love to play, play, play with my friends together

Can you guess what I’ve made with my yummy toast

I want to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how I do it too

putting fruit together

I like to make, make, make cute animal faces.

Can you guess what I’ve made this is so much fu-un

I like to eat, eat, eat yummy fruit on my toast

Look how I do it too putting fruit together

We love to play, play, play trying fruit together

It’s so much fun, fun, fun

mixing it together

#littleangel #littleangelnurseryrhymes #littleangeljobsandcareers

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These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

00:00 Yes Yes Fruits Are Good For You

04:07 Eat your Vegetables

07:11 5 Little Babies

10:21 I Love My Dollhouse

13:25 Doctor is Here To Help

16:51 Doctor Check Up Song 2

21:10 We Learn To Play Instruments

24:54 This Is The Way (We Go To Bed)

28:12 Color Mixing Magic

30:25 Toy Car Race

33:33 Animal Dance Song

37:47 Dinosaur Song

41:52 Animals Around The World

44:41 I Love My Mommy

48:37 Watch Out For Danger

52:19 Hot Cross Buns

55:17 Finger Family Animals

58:29 Be Safe at the Bounce House

1:01:31 Everyone Helps Around The House

1:04:19 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

1:06:23 Old MacDonald Had a Farm

1:09:26 Playdate at the Movies

1:12:25 Are We There Yet? (No No Seatbelt)

1:16:37 Number Song (Balloons)

1:20:29 Baby Has A Boo Boo

1:23:56 Bingo's Playdate

1:26:59 This is the Way we fly a Kite

1:29:40 Move And Exercise