Om Nom Stories - 8 unforgettable moments (Cut the Rope)

Om Nom Stories - 8 unforgettable moments (Cut the Rope) with tags cut the rope, video games, mobile games, om nom, kids, birthday, om nom stories, 8 unforgettable moments, super noms, time travel, magic, around the world, video blog, dream job, приключения ам няма, супер нямы, работа мечты, видеоблог, вокруг света, сказки, день рождения, zeptolab, preschool, all episodes, мультики, мультфильмы для детей, kids video, om nom nom, full episode, cartoon for kids
It's Om Nom's Birthday! He was born eight years ago and still brings joy to the fans from all over the world. We'd like to present to you eight unforgettable moments from our little green buddy's life.Get Cut the Rope: Magic game for iOS, Android & Amazon: Cut the Rope official site: http://www.cuttherope.netLike us on Facebook: us on Twitter: on Instagram: #CutTheRope #Birthday