Number 5 Song +More Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Little Baby Bum


Number 5 Song +More Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Little Baby Bum with tags little baby bum, nursery rhymes for babies, baby bum, wheels on the bus, baby songs, bus, five little ducks, abc song, lbb, sleeping bunnies, nursery rhymes, rhymes for babies, lullaby for babies, bus song, bus cartoon, baby song, ten little buses, baby, abc, little baby bums, baby music, lil baby bum, johny johny yes papa, baby nursery rhymes, bedtime songs, baby rhymes, wheel on the bus, number song, learn to count, number five for babies, 123, five

What comes after 4? That’s right, 5! This educational video for kids is all about this wonderful number!

Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, Little Baby Bum world comes alive.

Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.



00:04 Number 5 Song

01:37 ABCD

03:33 Hey Diddle Diddle

05:54 If You're Happy And You Know It

07:55 ABC Train

09:38 3 Little Kittens

11:52 Bingo

13:46 Head Shoulders Knees And Toes

15:45 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

17:01 Baa Baa Black Sheep V2

18:13 1-10 Song

20:12 Color Train

21:58 Jingle Bells

23:52 Potty Song

25:11 Shapes Song

27:06 5 Little Monkeys V2

29:16 Finger Family

30:17 10 In The Bed

32:44 5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

34:36 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe

35:37 London Bridge Is Falling Down

37:21 Old Macdonald Had A Farm

38:33 ABC Phonics Song

40:00 Hickory Dickory Dock

41:13 Pat A Cake Song

42:10 Ring Around The Rosy

43:33 No Monster

45:59 This Old Man

48:45 Rainbow Colors Song

50:15 Rain Rain Go Away

52:12 Wheels On The Bus V2

53:59 Brush Teeth

55:39 5 Little Speckled Frogs

58:06 Animal Sounds V1


F - I - V - E! Five!

1, 2, 3, 4 next comes 5!

Five fingers and five little toes

Five ponytails with five silk bows

Five monkeys jumping on five drums

Five ducks swimming to find their mums

F - I - V - E! Five!

1, 2, 3, 4 next comes 5!

Five bees buzzing in a beehive

Five loopy loops in a cool dive

Five scoops of ice cream in a bowl

Five great shots into the goal

F - I - V - E! Five!

1, 2, 3, 4 next comes 5!

Five very fast cars in a race

Five storybooks on a bookcase

Five children dancing to the beat

Five coloured houses on a street

F - I - V - E! Five!

1, 2, 3, 4 next comes 5!


Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on YouTube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Johnny Johnny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses, and many others.

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