Nina's Pin Pon Es Un Muñeco + More Nina's Familia! | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


Nina's Pin Pon Es Un Muñeco + More Nina's Familia! | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs with tags cocomelon, cocomelon nursery rhymes, cocomelon nina and jj, kids cartoons and nursery rhymes, kids songs, nina and jj, nursery rhymes, baby song, baby songs, children songs, childrens songs, cocomelon wheels on the bus, educational, entertainment, jj, kids education, kids entertainment, kids song, kids songs, kindergarten, nina, nina's familia, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for babies, nursery rhymes for toddlers fun songs with lyrics, nursery songs, preschool, spanish

Nina and her Abuelita work together craft Nina a new best friend, a paper doll named Pin Pon!

¡VAMOS! Join Nina Reyes - JJ’s lovable, sporty classmate and friend - in this bilingual Spanish series set in the familiar, beloved community of CoComelon!

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🎵 Lyrics 🎵

Pin Pon es un muñeco (Pin Pon is a very handsome doll)

Muy guapo de cartón (made out of cardboard)

Se lava la carita (He will wash his face)

Con agua y con jabón (with soap and water)

Pin Pon dame la mano (Pin Pon give me your hand)

Con un fuerte apretón (give it a good squeeze)

Pues quiero ser tu amigo (because I want to be your friend)

Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin Pon

Se desenreda el pelo (When he combs his hair)

Con peine de marfil (with an ivory comb)

Y aunque se da estirones (when he pulls his hair)

No llora ni hace así (he will not cry or go like this)

Pin Pon dame la mano (Pin Pon give me your hand)

Con un fuerte apretón (give it a good squeeze)

Pues quiero ser tu amigo (because I want to be your friend)

Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin Pon

Cuando le dan la sopa (When he’s given his soup)

No ensucia el delantal (he will not stain his bib)

Pues come con cuidado (since he’ll eat carefully)

Parece un colegial (he looks like a school boy)

Pin Pon dame la mano (Pin Pon give me your hand)

Con un fuerte apretón (give it a good squeeze)

Pues quiero ser tu amigo (because I want to be your friend)

Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin Pon

Apenas las estrellas (When the stars in the sky)

Comienzan a salir (start to blink)

Pin Pon se va a la cama (Pin Pon goes to bed)

Y se acuesta a dormir (and goes to sleep)

Pin Pon dame la mano (Pin Pon give me your hand)

Con un fuerte apretón (give it a good squeeze)

Pues quiero ser tu amigo (because I want to be your friend)

Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin Pon

Pin Pon dame la mano (Pin Pon give me your hand)

Con un fuerte apretón (give it a good squeeze)

Pues quiero ser tu amigo (because I want to be your friend)

Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin Pon, PIN PON!

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Family Fun

Kids Songs by CoComelon

JJ & Friends

Nursery Rhymes by CoComelon

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.

In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.

Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

00:00 Pin Pon Es Un Muñeco

02:46 Baby animal Dance

05:27 Soccer Song

08:28 Hide and seek

11:18 Lola the Cow

13:58 Chug Chug Tractor Song

16:43 I Love My Bunny

19:36 Breakfast Song

22:25 Bubble Song

25:09 Nina Song

27:48 Yes Yes Stay Healthy

30:51 Finger Family

33:34 Flying Song

36:08 Bath Song

38:47 Twinkle Twinkle

41:48 Pet Store Woof

44:17 Rainbow Song