My Little Bee - Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids


My Little Bee - Educational Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids with tags bee song, my little bee, bee, little bee, buzz buzz, educational children song, learn english song, looloo kids, looloo, loolookids, loo loo, nursery rhymes, funny, animation, fullhd, song, songs for children, songs for kids, kids, children, babies, toddlers, funny song, lyrics, kindergarten, kindergarten songs, 3d, educational

Subscribe to our channel because new videos are uploaded every week! are watching "My Little Bee", a super fun compilation with the best animated nursery rhymes created by LooLoo Kids!Follow us on Facebook for new updates! to us! are always happy to hear from you! Please share your feedback on our nursery rhymes in the comments or through our social media!Go to your favorite song by selecting a title below!0:00 My Little Bee 1:40 Pinky Pig 2:56 Finger Family 5:24 Bunny Hop 6:31 Ten Little Indians 8:06 Ten in a Bed 10:41 The Finger Family 11:42 Johny Johny Yes Papa 13:13 If You're Happy and You Know It 15:13 I'm a Little Teapot 16:28 Jack and Jill 18:58 Row Your Boat 20:59 Miss Polly Had a Dolly 22:21 Rain, Rain, Go Away 24:28 Humpty Dumpty 25:42 Hickory Dickory Dock 28:07 Itsy Bitsy Spider 29:55 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 31:28 Five Little Ducks 33:50 Bingo 36:14 Once I Caught a Fish Alive 38:12 Incy Wincy Spider 39:50 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 40:59 Five Little Monkeys 43:12 Mary Had a Little Lamb 45:23 Three Little Kittens 47:42 The Wheels On The Bus 49:47 The ABC Song 51:06 Ten in a Bed 53:33 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 54:31 One Little Finger 56:56 Old MacDonald Had a Farm 58:15 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 59:42 BINGOPinky Pig LyricsPinky is a little pigPin-ky PigTail is like a little twigPin-ky PigFunny ears and rosy nosePin-ky PigCheerful wherever he goesPin-ky PigPinky Pig is really peppy,But his mom is not so happyWith him rolling in the puddleAnd then coming back to cuddle.Such a dirty little pigPin-ky PigAnd his tail - a muddy twigPin-ky PigHe could really use a bathPin-ky PigAnd some poetry or mathPin-ky PigOh, how happy he would beBecause everyone could seeHe is clean and they would say"Pinky Pig, come on, let's play!"Watch the LooLoo Kids Playlist: Enjoy other LooLoo Kids nursery rhymes:Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Baa, Black Sheep Little Baby Wheels On The Bus Wincy Spider Little Ducks Dumpty Little Kittens ABC Song Little Monkeys Finger Family MacDonald Had A Farm You're Happy And You Know It educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku,