My Grandmaster Mom's Opinion On GothamChess… (Full Interview)


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This is my interview with my mom, Grandmaster Pia Cramling, where she talks about her upcoming match with @GothamChess - enjoy!

00:00- 08:25 - The match against Gothamchess

08:25- 14:24 - The Start Of Her Career

14:24 - 18:10 - Meeting Her Husband, Juan

18:10- 22:00 - Going for the GM Title

22:00- 25:09: Her Most Memorable Game

25:09- 29:30: Does She See Herself in The Queens Gambit?

29:30- 32:20: How Becoming a Mother Made Her a Better Player

32:20- 35:30: My Childhood

35:30- 39:00: What Keeps Her Playing Chess at 61

39:00- 43:00: What Do You Think About Anna Doing Youtube

43:00- 44:24: Final Words

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