Monster balls | D Billions Kids Songs


Monster balls | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, monster balls | d billions kids songs, baby songs, videos for kids, d billions kids songs, db heroes, db d billions, d billions db heroes, db, monster balls, monster, balls, d billions ball, d billions monster


I’m a Rascal,

I'm a Rascal!

I will set the robot on you right now!

I'm a monster ball, nice to meet you!

I'm gonna hit you, I’m gonna eat you!

I’m so hungry, come to me!

I’m starting to hunt 123!

Get away, Chicky,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Get away Chicky,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Or press the button on the back!

Yes, you're right, my body gets cracked!

I’m a Rascal,

I'm a Rascal!

I will set the robot on you right now!

I'm a monster ball, nice to meet you!

I'm gonna hit you, I’m gonna eat you!

I’m so hungry, come to me!

I’m starting to hunt 123!

Get away, Cha-Cha,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Get away Cha-Cha,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Or press the button on the back!

Yes, you're right, my body gets cracked!

I’m a Rascal,

I'm a Rascal!

I will set the robot on you right now!

I'm a monster ball, nice to meet you!

I'm gonna hit you, I’m gonna eat you!

I’m so hungry, come to me!

I’m starting to hunt 123!

Get away, Boom-Boom,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Get away Boom-Boom,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Or press the button on the back!

Yes, you're right, my body gets cracked!

I’m a Rascal,

I'm a Rascal!

I will set the robot on you right now!

I'm a monster ball, nice to meet you!

I'm gonna hit you, I’m gonna eat you!

I’m so hungry, come to me!

I’m starting to hunt 123!

Get away, Lya-Lya,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Get away Lya-Lya,

Run, run, run!

I'm a monster ball,


Or press the button on the back!

Yes, you're right, my body gets cracked!

#DBillions #db #monster

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