Miss Polly a Had Dolly | | | SuperHero Kids


Miss Polly a Had Dolly | | | SuperHero Kids with tags 아이를 위해, 자장가, 어린이 노래, 어린이 교육, nursery rhymes, children songs, songs for children, kid songs, jannie kids song, 비가가요 노래, superhero kids, doctor check up song

Miss Polly a Had Dolly | 동요와 아이 노래 | 어린이 교육 | SuperHero Kids

Simple fun song for children! It's a song about a little girl named Polly who is fond of dolls. She is taking care of her dolls.

© Copyright by SuperHero Kids ☞ Do not Reupworld!

#superherokids #Colorsong # NurseryRhyme