Maddie and Eva’s Soda & Mentos Science Experiment Surprise for Kids


Maddie and Eva’s Soda & Mentos Science Experiment Surprise for Kids with tags toys play, toys play kids, maddie, eva, coke and mentops experiment, coke and mentos, soda and mentos experiment, fun science for kids, kids experiment, backyard science, maddie and eva, wendy experiment store, science with soda, honesty lesson for kids, mentos challenge, fun with experiments, kids learning

Maddie and Eva have a blast doing cool experiments with soda and Mentos! But when Wendy runs out of soda, she tries using fruit juice and even water instead, which doesn't quite work. With Auntie Beth's help, Maddie and Eva figure out the real secret to making their experiments explode! Along the way, they learn that honesty is important—especially when running an experiment store! Join the fun and find out what happens when Wendy tries to fix her mistake!

Lesson Learned: Honesty is the best policy! Wendy learns that trying to replace soda with other things can lead to problems, and it's always better to tell the truth.

#ToysPlay #PretendPlay #ToysandColors