Lya-Lya, the Reporter | D Billions Kids Songs


Lya-Lya, the Reporter | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, lya-lya the reporter | d billions kids songs, lya-lya the reporter, the reporter, reporter, reporter song, playground, draw, drawing, draw the playground, funny, funny story, news, funny news, news for kids, d billions in the playground, d billions news, db d billions, for kids, play in the playground, playground song, videos for kids, cartoons for kids, baby songs, db

Lya-Lya makes a report about Cha-Cha, Chicky and Boom-Boom making a new slide. At first Cha-Cha makes the drawings, then Boom-Boom assembles structures, and finally Chicky paints the slide.


Lyalya’s news,

Lyalya’s news,

What will she talk about?

#DBillions #lyalyareporter #forkids

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