Looby Loo - THE BEST Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids


Looby Loo - THE BEST Songs for Children | LooLoo Kids with tags loo loo kids, looloo kids, nursery rhymes, children songs, nursery rhymes for babies, #loo loo, toddlers songs, kids videos, song for kids, kids songs

Here we go looby loo. Dance and sing with Johny. All on a Saturday night. Download our new app for and now: http://onelink.to/3v2443 LooLoo Kids on SPOTIFY https://tiny.cc/bbn5ezSubscribe to our channel because new videos are uploaded every week! http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_LooLooKids Follow us on Facebook for new updates! https://www.facebook.com/LooLooKids/ Tweet to us! https://twitter.com/loolookids0:00 Looby Loo 02:16 Five Little Monkyes video 06:39 Five Little Speckled 06:39 Going to the Market 08:45 Gossey Gander 10:21 Happy Birthday 11:56 Hickory Dickory 14:21 Incy Wincy Spider 15:57 Let's Play Together 16:59 Miss Polly had a dolly 18:22 Musical Instruments 20:52 My two little 23:18 One Potato, Two Potatoes 25:00 Peek-a-boo 26:48 Polly, Put the Kettle 28:35 Pussy Cat, Pussy 30:06 Row, Row, Row Your 32:03 Seven Days video 34:00 She'll be Coming Round the Mountain 36:05 Skip to my lou 37:37 The Muffin Man 39:33 Twinkle Twinkle Little 41:38 Two Little Dickie Birds 43:26 Zigalo 45:47 A Ram Sam Sam 48:25 Apples and 50:56 are you sleeping brother john. 53:08 A-Tisket, A-tasket 54:50 Baa Baa Black 56:00 Drawing 59:30 Five Little DucksLooby Loo LyricsHere we go looby loo,Here we go looby light,Here we go looby loo,All on a Saturday night.You put your right hand in,You take your right hand out,You give your hand a shake, shake, shakeAnd turn yourself around.Here we go looby loo,Here we go looby light,Here we go looby loo,All on a Saturday night.You put your left hand inYou take your left hand outYou give your left hand a shake, shake, shakeAnd turn yourself around.Here we go looby loo,Here we go looby light,Here we go looby loo,All on a Saturday night.You put your right foot in,You take your right foot out,You give your right foot a shake, shake, shake,And turn yourself around.Here we go looby loo,Here we go looby light,Here we go looby loo,All on a Saturday night.You put your left foot inYou take your left foot out,You give your left foot a shake, shake, shake,And turn yourself around.Here we go looby loo,Here we go looby light,Here we go looby loo,All on a Saturday night.You put your whole self in,You take your whole self out,You give your whole self a shake, shake, shake,And turn yourself around.Enjoy other LooLoo Kids nursery rhymes:Johny, Johny Yes Papa https://youtu.be/F4tHL8reNCsThe Wheels on the bus https://youtu.be/6X3A-Qe4lPgRain, Rain Go Away https://youtu.be/nCqUYAnQF0oTen in a Bed https://youtu.be/jk7N3bKvgvgFive Little Ducks https://youtu.be/-ccCPcujnysAre You Sleeping Brother John https://youtu.be/ptXUH9vhCmAPeek-a-Boo https://youtu.be/3pzyUMVI_qQDrawing Song https://youtu.be/4_TANGFW43kSeven Days https://youtu.be/iXtPqJEylVkBaby Shark https://youtu.be/sUxTSW4hW2gEnjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, #loolookids #looloonurseryrhymes