Let's Bake Christmas Cookies! πŸ˜‹πŸŽ„ | Best of CoComelon! | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


Let's Bake Christmas Cookies! πŸ˜‹πŸŽ„ | Best of CoComelon! | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs with tags cocomelon, cocomelon nursery rhymes, cocomelon nina and jj, kids cartoons and nursery rhymes, kids songs, nina and jj, nursery rhymes, baby song, baby songs, children songs, childrens songs, cocomelon wheels on the bus, educational, entertainment, jj, kids education, kids entertainment, kids song, kids songs, kindergarten, nina, nina's familia, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for babies, nursery rhymes for toddlers fun songs with lyrics, nursery songs, preschool, spanish

JJ, TomTom and YoYo get a lesson from their parents on how to mix frosting!

Β‘VAMOS! Join Nina Reyes - JJ’s lovable, sporty classmate and friend - in this bilingual Spanish series set in the familiar, beloved community of CoComelon!

🎡 Lyrics 🎡

Colors are so wonderful

Shining bright and beautiful

Red, Orange, Yellow and Blue!

With Green and Purple too!

Let’s make Christmas cookies,

In three different colors.

We’ll use frosting, nice and sweet

To make a tasty treat.

JJ: Red is bold and merry.

TOMTOM: Blue is deep and cool.

YOYO: Yellow is warm and bright.

MOM: Like the Christmas lights!

Colors are so wonderful

Shining bright and beautiful

Red, Orange, Yellow and Blue!

With Green and Purple too!

Let’s make Christmas cookies,

In six different colors.

We’ll use frosting, nice and sweet

To make a tasty treat.

JJ, TOMTOM, YOYO: SIX colors?!

JJ: But we only have three!

Yellow and blue makes green for you

Yellow and red make orange instead!

Red and blue make purple hues

Mixing colors is fun to do!

Colors are so wonderful

Shining bright and beautiful

Red, Orange, Yellow and Blue!

With Green and Purple too!

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Kids Songs by CoComelon

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Nursery Rhymes by CoComelon

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.

In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.

Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

00:00 Christmas Color Song

02:46 Deck the Halls V2

05:34 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

08:22 Winter Show & Tell

11:55 Hide and Go Seek in the Snow (Jingle Bells)

14:31 Santa JJ

17:20 Deck the Halls

19:51 Tom Tom's Holiday Giving Song

23:18 12 Days of Christmas

27:52 Winter Song (Fun in the Snow)

30:31 Jingle Bells (Dancy Party)

33:10 We Wish You a Merry Christmas

35:29 Jingle Bells Cody

38:05 Christmas Color Song

40:43 Freeze Dance (Dance Party)

43:13 Christmas At The Farm

45:59 Holidays Are Here

48:42 Christmas Songs Medley (Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas)

51:40 Little Bunny Foo Foo

54:26 Humpty Dumpty

56:53 Sick Song

59:11 YoYo's Arts & Crafts Time: Paper Airplanes

1:04:03 Father and Sons Song

1:06:36 Breakfast Song

1:08:59 The Colors Song (with Popsicles)

1:13:30 Treehouse Picnic

1:16:27 The Socks Song

1:19:24 Pasta Song

1:22:25 The Bear Went Over the Mountain

1:26:41 Basketball Song

1:29:35 Back to School