Leo the Truck: a Roller Coaster Car Cartoon & Kids Games with Vehicles

Leo the Truck: a Roller Coaster Car Cartoon & Kids Games with Vehicles with tags car cartoon, kids games, cars games, cartoons, car toons, tow truck, cars for kids, kids cartoon, kids vehicles, trucks for kids, baby cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, animation, kids tow truck, learning videos, kids learning videos, leo the truck, english cartoon, learn vehicles, vehicles, vehicle, scissor lift
Let's watch a new episode of the Leo the truck cartoon for kids about a roller coaster. Play kids' games with vehicles and have fun with Leo the truck and a crane truck for kids. Today Leo the truck is going to open a new park attraction - a roller coaster. Look, the crane truck is finishing construction. Toy robots are rolling around and waiting for a roller coaster to be ready. Oh, there is not enough space for the third robot. Leo, let's build a new one roller coaster car for the third robot. Let's help Leo the truck put all the car's parts together and finish construction. Find more car cartoons for kids and learn street vehicles for children with Leo the truck and his friends! http://bit.ly/LeoGameYTEn Play Leo the truck game for kids!Build cars and trucks with Leo the Truck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mShse5B6XRw&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qd19PGLcFQjHkXdQAw6U2kr&index=1Sing with Leo! Baby songs and nursery rhymes for kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm9U3kqc4Dk&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qft1ZgcF3lQdR9apSk294zH&index=1Repair cars and trucks for kids with doctor McWheelie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1jtbO6sk6M&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qdmX0udNwnsRIZYA04ZOaIB&index=1More car cartoons for kids! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PzhqOvqRF8&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qfaHfX0Z5GWxgknGPbjMCae&index=1Find us on VK https://vk.com/kidsfirsttvFacebook https://www.facebook.com/KidsFirstTVSubscribe KidsFirstTV channel here https://www.youtube.com/user/KidsFirstTV?sub_confirmation=1