Kiff Cartoon Comes to Life! πŸ–Œ | How NOT To Draw: Helen & Principal Secretary | @disneychannel


Kiff Cartoon Comes to Life! πŸ–Œ | How NOT To Draw: Helen & Principal Secretary | @disneychannel with tags disney channel, disney, kiff, kiff cartoon, kiff cartoon comes to life, cartoon comes to life, how not to draw, disney channel kiff, disney channel cartoon, disney channel how not to draw, kiff comes to life, kiff disney, kiff disney channel, kiff how not to draw, how not to draw disney, kiff new series, kiff new show, disney channel new show, disney kiff, kiff cartoon squirrel, kiff disney show, how not to draw helen, kiff helen, kiff principal secretary

When the Animator (Jordan Fisher) tries to draw both Helen and Principal Secretary, the fame hungry witch does all she can to make sure she's the only star of the show!

In How NOT To Draw, a drawing tutorial parody series, animators bring beloved Disney characters to life, and the characters bring…CHAOS!

Available on Disney Channel and Disney+.

#kiff #hownottodraw #disneychannel