KIDZ BOP Kids - Can't Stop The Feeling! (KIDZ BOP World Tour Official Video)

KIDZ BOP Kids - Can't Stop The Feeling! (KIDZ BOP World Tour Official Video) with tags kidzbop, kids, bop, music for kids, music, celebrities, disney, nickelodeon, justin bieber, one direction, 1d, talent, tween, teen, ariana grande, singing, taylor swift, kids bop kids, kidz bop kids, “kidz, bop”, “shake, it, off”, “all, about, that, bass”, “kids, “matty, b”, “dance, moms, children, children's music, talented, kid”, “uptown, funk”, “my, house”, “can’t, stop, the, feeling”, “isaiah, morgan”, isaiah, liv king, liv, jacob jones, jacob, julianna revilla, julianna, cooper, sierra, ahnya, freddy
Watch a live performance of "Can't Stop The Feeling!" from one of our "KIDZ BOP World Tour" shows! Get tickets to see The KIDZ BOP World Tour here: Shop all new KIDZ BOP Swag: Follow KIDZ BOP:Facebook: @KIDZBOPGoogle Plus: #CantStopTheFeeling #KIDZBOPWorldTour #OfficialVideo