Kids' learning cartoons - Evening routines & Teeth brushing - Clever cars for kids.

Kids' learning cartoons - Evening routines & Teeth brushing - Clever cars for kids. with tags learning cartoons, baby cartoons, cars for kids, evening routine, teeth brushing, kids learning, learning for kids, educational, cars, cartoons for kids, kids games, new cartoons for kids, songs for kids, evening routines, in english, cartoons in eglish, learning cartoons for kids
Do you like to watch kids' learning cartoons and learn new English words while watching cartoons for kids? Join us and learn about evening routines and teeth brushing with Clever cars for kids! It's dark outside and Mimi the pink car returns home. The other car, Boo the yellow pickup, found 3 toothbrushes in a ball pit. What will he do with them? Let's find out together! But firstly, let's play matching pictures. Now, all Clever cars are ready to brush their teeth. Well done!Leos Cars game! Appstore or Google Play cars and trucks with Leo the Truck with Leo! Baby songs and nursery rhymes for kids cars and trucks for kids with doctor McWheelie car cartoons for kids! us on VK KidsFirstTV channel here