Kangaroo Hop ⭐ Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhymes - One Hour Baby Songs Mix


Kangaroo Hop ⭐ Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhymes - One Hour Baby Songs Mix with tags 0 years old, 0-2 years old, kangaroo hop, one hour baby song, babies, baby, baby rhymes, baby songs, lbb, little baby bum nursery rhymes, littlebabybum, nursery rhymes

⭐About Little Baby Bum⭐

Little Baby Bum follows the musical adventures of Mia, Twinkle the Star, and Baby Max. Everyday moments like bath time, getting dressed, or playing peekaboo become even more fun with new and classic nursery rhymes.


Instagram ► www.instagram.com/littlebabybum/


⭐ Lyrics⭐

Let's get ready to hop like a bouncy kangaroo!

Hop, hop, hop like a kangaroo

up and down – it’s fun to do!

hop all day in a kangaroo way

Hopping me and you

Now hop from side to side!

Hop to the left, hop to the right

hop from side to side – that’s right

hop and jump and bounce and bump

It makes us feel so light

It's freestyle jump time now! bounce your own way!

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop!

bounce bounce, bounce don’t stop

Jump your way – such-a-bouncy day

boing and bounce and bop

How high can you jump?

Jumping high, jumping far

what-a-bouncy kangaroo you are

bounce on the ground, jumping all around

You're a jumping bouncing star

Let’s hop faster!

Hop hop hop, hop very fast

Hop very quickly, we’re having a blast!

hop, jump, wiggle – have a little giggle

kangaroo hop with me

Let's hop one more time!

Hop hop hop, hop hop hop!

bounce bounce bounce, bounce don’t stop

jump your way – what a bouncy day

boing and bounce and bop


Little Baby Bum is an animated musical show that celebrates early childhood experiences and supports cognitive development through loveable characters, relatable stories, and the magic of song, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme.

#baby #LittleBabyBum #babysong


Little Baby Bum friends:


© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum


00:00 Kangaroo Hop

02:06 5 Little baby Bum Friends

04:08 Pat a cake

06:12 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive.

08:03 Say Goodnight to Teddy

10:08 Brush Your teeth Dance

12:06 Big and Small Song

14:05 This is the way we say Hello

16:06 Avocado Song

18:03 1,2 What Shall We Do? - Bake Some Cookies!

19:37 Finger Family

21:36 Bath Time Party

23:50 Ants go Marching (New Models)

25:34 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Bath Song (New Models)

27:33 Happy and You Know it Giggle Song (New Models)

29:17 Wheels on the bus bus (TRAD)(New Models)

31:16 Peek-a-boo

32:36 Max and Mia's Fire Engine

34:35 Row, row, row your boat (New Models)

36:37 Baby Max's First Bath (New Models)

38:48 ABC Bus

40:48 Learn Phonics

42:52 Tummy time

44:45 Brushing Teeth Song

46:40 1-20 Song V2

48:45 Count To 20 Song

50:56 Rain Rain Go Away V2

53:15 Little Bee Song V2

55:11 I'm Hungry, Munch Munch Munch

57:20 Do The Baby Dance

59:13 Days Of The Week

1:01:08 10 Little Fishes V1