Jill Learns to Swim with Mermaids | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs


Jill Learns to Swim with Mermaids | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs with tags baby angel, baby john, baby songs, best kids songs, children songs, disney princess, educational kids songs, jill, kid videos, kids songs, kids videos, learning song, little angel, little angels, little angle, mermaid, mermaids, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, princess, princess cartoon, princess songs, princesses, sing along, songs for kids, swimming song for kids, toddler songs

With the help of her friends, Jill learns to be confident during her first mermaid swimming class.

#BabyJohn #SingAlongs #EducationalSongs


Mermaids walk

Like a penguin walks

Side to side, just watch my

Shiny tail!

Now you walk

Like a penguin walks

Side to side, just watch my

Shiny tail!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

I’ll try again

I’ll do it better

Better with my

Mermaid friends!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

We don’t give up

‘Cause when it’s hard

That’s the part where we get tough!

Mermaids kick

Like a swimming fish!

Up and down, flap around

Just like me!

Mermaids kick

Like a swimming fish!

Up and down, flap around

Just like me!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

I’ll try again

I’ll do it better

Better with my

Mermaid friends!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

We don’t give up

‘Cause when it’s hard

That’s the part where we get tough!

Mermaids swim!

So let’s jump right in

Count to 3, then you’ll see

It’s so fun!

Mermaids swim!

So let’s jump right in

Count to 3, then you’ll see

It’s so fun!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

I’ll try again

I’ll do it better

Better with my

Mermaid friends!

‘Cause I’m a

Mermaid mermaid

We don’t give up

‘Cause when it’s hard

That’s the part where we get tough!

Watch Our Playlists:

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

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00:00 Jill Swims like a Mermaid

03:04 Wheels on the Party Bus

06:22 Playground Competition

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12:33 Getting Ready for School