Jack and Jill, Rolly Polly⭐ Cute Baby Songs


Jack and Jill, Rolly Polly⭐ Cute Baby Songs with tags 123, baby songs, jack and jill, lbb, lbb twinkle, little baby bum, abc, baby game songs, baby games, baby max, for babies, for toddlers, kids games, mia and max, nursery rhymes for babies, nursery rhymes, rolly polly, twinkle

Add some musical fun to your daily routine with this compilation of new and classic nursery rhymes.

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About Little Baby Bum

From the makers of CoComelon, LittleBabyBum is an animated musical show that celebrates early childhood experiences and supports cognitive development through loveable characters, relatable stories, and the magic of song, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme.


⭐ Lyrics⭐

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown (rolly polly)

And Jill came tumbling after

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after


#LittleBabyBum #babysong #NurseryRhymes #RoutineMoments

© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum



00:00 Jack and Jill

01:59 Pat a cake

04:02 1,2 Put On My Shoe

06:16 5 Little baby Bum Friends

08:19 1,2 What Shall We Do? - Bake Some Cookies!

09:53 This is the way we say Hello

11:52 6 Little Ducks

13:44 Incy Wincy Spider