INSIDE OUT 2 Lego Mood Cubes Building Blocks Activity For Kids!


INSIDE OUT 2 Lego Mood Cubes Building Blocks Activity For Kids! with tags lego, inside out 2, disney, inside out 2 lego, cupcake kids club, cupcake squad, activity for kids, inside out 2 movie, inside out 2 toys, disgust and envy

Anxiety has touched the control panel and mixed up all of the moods! TOday we are building the Lego Inside Out 2 Mood Cubes with Joy, Anxiety, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Envy, Sadness, Embarassment, and Ennui. All of the Inside Out 2 emotions come together to put things in order and help Riley!

#insideout2 #disney #lego

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