How to Pull Out a Loose Tooth ๐Ÿฆท Losing Your Baby Teeth Explained ๐Ÿ˜ Educational Videos for Kids


How to Pull Out a Loose Tooth ๐Ÿฆท Losing Your Baby Teeth Explained ๐Ÿ˜ Educational Videos for Kids with tags educational videos for kids, educational videos for toddlers, educational videos for preschoolers, educational videos for 5 year olds, educational videos for 4 year olds, kids videos for kids, educational videos for children, educational videos for 3 year olds, kids learning videos, losing baby teeth, loose tooth, pulling tooth out, oliver and lucas

Oliver and Lucas have a lose tooth and are about to lose their baby teeth! They will share with your their experience in losing their teeth.

Baby teeth are the first set of teeth that grow in your mouth when you are little.

As you get older your mouth needs bigger and stronger teeth and so when you are about 6 years old you will notice your baby teeth start to get loose until they fall out to make room for your "grown-up teethโ€ This is actually really cool as it means you are growing up!

When your baby teeth become loose, they wonโ€™t fall out right away because it takes a couple of weeks for your new teeth to push out your old ones.

First, youโ€™ll notice that one of your teeth starts to feel a little loose or wiggly. This happens because your new, grown-up tooth is pushing up from underneath, getting ready to take its place.

Over time, your tooth will get looser and looser. You might find yourself wiggling it with your tongue or fingers. Sometimes, it can take a few days or even weeks before itโ€™s ready to come out.

Eventually, the tooth will be so loose that it just falls out! You might feel a little pinch or a tiny bit of pressure, but it usually doesnโ€™t hurt.

After your tooth falls out, youโ€™ll have an empty space where it used to be. Over time, your new, grown-up tooth will start to grow in that space. It might feel a little funny or tickly, but itโ€™s just your body getting ready for your new, bigger tooth.

Losing a tooth is a natural part of growing up, and before you know it, youโ€™ll have a new and strong tooth in its place!

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