Hot Cross Buns Ep 75 | Hooplakidz Classic Nursery Rhymes


Hot Cross Buns Ep 75 | Hooplakidz Classic Nursery Rhymes with tags hooplakidz, hooplakidz songs, nursery rhymes, baby songs, hot cross buns, classic nursery rhymes, hooplakidz classics, nursery rhymes collection, classic rhymes, popular nursery rhymes, hot cross buns song, one a penny two a penny, one a penny two a penny hot cross buns, hot cross buns classic, children songs, kids videos

Hippie is baking Hot Cross Buns for Hello. While they bake, Hello has a riddle for Hippie - "I am full of holes yet still hold water. What am I?" Help Hippie find out the answer by singing along to "Hot Cross Buns".

00:00 Intro

00:08 Hot Cross Buns

02:09 Row Row Row Your Boat

03:14 Old MacDonald Had A Farm

06:15 London Bridge Is Falling Down

08:14 Jack And Jill

09:47 Humpty Dumpty

11:14 Hickory Dickory Dock

12:28 Rain Rain Go Away

16:10 Five Little Monkeys

18:25 Incy Wincy Spider

20:04 Miss Polly Had A Dolly

21:18 Wheels On The Bus

22:39 Yankee Doodle Went To Town

24:35 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

25:50 The Mulberry Bush

27:29 12 Buckle My Shoe

28:31 Ringa Ringa Roses

29:55 I'm A Little Teapot

31:36 This Old Man

34:28 Five Little Ducks

36:00 Rig A Jig Jig

37:44 I've Been Working On the Railroad

40:05 Simple Simon Met A Pieman

42:17 Head Shoulders Knees Toes

44:46 Phonics Song

47:43 Pat A Cake

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