Heroes of Envel - Forest Glage - A cartoon for teenagers

Heroes of Envel - Forest Glage - A cartoon for teenagers with tags portal to another dimension, heroes of envell, animated cartoon, a cartoon for teenagers, animated series, cartoon for kids, pixar short films, a cartoon for teenagers, stories for teenagers, cartoon video, comics, super powers, titans, english fairy tales, alien story, the origin of fiona the fire dragon, one piece super powers, family entertainment, tennessee titans brian callahan, princess cartoons, fairy tales for kids, anime, kids show, gateways to worlds, new cartoons
🎄💃 The Christmas Ball is approaching. Art and Kira have to rehearse the waltz. Kira can’t refuse to participate — otherwise, Art will be paired with another girl, and jealous Kira simply can’t allow that.
🦌🏹 But even in the game, her jealousy doesn’t fade: the mysterious forest archer, Vel, seems to do everything better than Kira. Vel fights better, jumps more gracefully, and — worst of all — waltzes better too.
❤️🔥 Kira must confront her jealousy and deal with the consequences.
Four 6-grade gamers Art, Vic, Phil and Kira find a suspicious laptop. The laptop turns out to be a portal into an experimental RPG game realm called “Heroes of Envell”. Friends create their characters and begin with the first level – they can’t get back home unless they complete it. But to their surprise the first “training” level turns out to be a real threat.