Hero! Fun Squad Original Music Video!


Hero! Fun Squad Original Music Video! with tags fun squad, the fun squad, hero, superhero, fun squad music, fun squad music videos, kalia skye, kade skye, original song

Be Your Own Hero! Discover your inner SuperHero with Kalia as she embraces what makes each and every one of us heroes! 🌟 You don’t have to wear a cape and mask to do the right thing and be a hero in this world! A must-watch for every person ready to conquer the world! Learn the true meaning of heroism with Kalia and Kade in this amazing adventure and listen to the Fun Squad sing a new original song: Hero!

Thanks so much to Becky Willard at VoxFox Studios for helping with the arrangement and great job to Sarah Skye for writing another original song for The Fun Squad! We hope you like “Hero” sung by Kalia Skye and Kade Skye of the Fun Squad!

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