Hand's Halloween Trick | D Billions Kids Songs

Hand's Halloween Trick | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, hand's halloween trick | d billions kids songs, halloween trick, hand's halloween, trick, d billions halloween, halloween, halloween songs, halloween songs for kids, funny hand, hand song, trick song, trick songs, d billions halloween song, october 31 song, hand halloween, for kids, baby songs, cartoons for kids, kids, halloween kids, halloween music, db d billions
Halloween is the Hand's favorite holiday. As usual, he enjoys dressing up as a vampire, a ghost, a mummy, and Frankenstein to scare the DB Heroes. Afterward, he collects sweets. However, this year, Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya, and Boom-Boom have come up with a brilliant idea to make the Hand scared. Watch it for yourself!
Hand, hand, hand,
That you can't stand.
Will be in your dream.
Happy Happy Halloween!
Hand, hand, hand,
That you can't stand.
Will be in your dream.
Happy Happy Halloween!
Hand, hand, hand,
That you can't stand.
Will be in your dream.
Happy Happy Halloween!
#DBillions #halloween #tricks #kidsvideo
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