Ham and Eggs | Camp Song | Kids Game | Song for Kids | The Kiboomers

Ham and Eggs | Camp Song | Kids Game | Song for Kids | The Kiboomers with tags the kiboomers, green eggs and ham, camp songs, songs, songs for kids, song, camp, eggs, for kids, toddler songs, silly songs, food songs, food song, chopped ham cheese and balonge camp song, moms making fried chicken kids songs, fried ham the song, ham and eggs in my trolley song, camp song thanksgiving day
The Kiboomers! Can you find the 10 eggs before Ham and Eggs kids song ends?Get this song on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/really-fun-kids-song-collection/id1034646974If you enjoy this video, please subscribe to the Kiboomers channel for http://youtube.com/kiboomu"Ham and Eggs Song Lyrics"Ham and eggs, Ham and eggs, I like mine fried nice and brown. I like mine fried up side down.Ham and eggs, Ham and eggs,Flip 'em, Flop 'em, Flop 'em, Flip 'em, Ham and eggs***********We're Social, too!facebook: http://facebook.com/kiboomutwitter: http://twitter.com/kiboomupinterest: http://pinterest.com/kiboomublog: http://thekiboomers.com*******Song: "Ham and Eggs Song" (Children's Song for Kids)Music: Kiboomu Kids SongsVideo: MuakataVocals & Arrangement: Ellie Moss and Christopher Pennington from The Kiboomers