Guess Who is Inside the Balloon? | D Billions Kids Songs

Guess Who is Inside the Balloon? | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, guess who is inside the balloon? | d billions kids songs, for kids, videos for kids, video for kids, children songs, baby songs, kids games, fun kids games, kids balloon song, balloons for kids, balloons songs, kids balloons, colorful balloons, guess who is inside the balloon, balloon, balloon chacha, balloon chicky, d billions balloons, d billions kids songs
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
I am pretty, I am kind!
I can dance and sing a song,
Sing a song about a head.
Pink, pink, pink balloon,
Sing a song about balloon head.
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
I am handsome, I am smart!
I can dance and sing a song,
Sing a song about a head.
Blue, blue, blue balloon,
Sing a song about balloon head.
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
I am big, I am strong!
I can dance and sing a song,
Sing a song about a head.
Red, red, red balloon,
Sing a song about balloon head.
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
I am nimble, I am fast!
I can dance and sing a song,
Sing a song about a head.
Yellow, yellow balloon head,
Sing a song about balloon head.
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Tell me, tell me who I am?!
Dance, dance, dance!
Bounce, bounce, bounce!
Chicky, Chicky, Chicky!
Boom-Boom, Boom!
Lya-Lya, Lya-Lya!
#DBillions #guess #balloons #forkids
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