Guess the Animal in the Jungle! | Who are You? | Animal Exploration Veo Veo | Pinkfong Song & Story


Guess the Animal in the Jungle! | Who are You? | Animal Exploration Veo Veo | Pinkfong Song & Story with tags babies, baby, baby shark, baby shark challenge, baby shark dance, baby shark for kids, baby shark remix, baby shark song, collaboration, dance for kids, family, fun song, kids, kids animation, kids education, kpop, kpop remix, nursery rhymes, pinkfong, play baby shark, shark song, songs, songs for children, songs for kids, toddlers, videos, videos for kids

Who are You? Let's play veo veo with Pinkfong and Baby Shark!

Try Guessing the Animal in the Jungle.

You're watching "Guess the Animal in the Jungle", an educational and interactive series prepared to you by Pinkfong!

----- 🎵 Lyrics


I think we are completely lost.

I think you are right.

We are just

going around in circles.

I want to get out of here.


Over there.

It looks like a door.

Something’s written on it.

It says,

if we want to open this door,

we need to find

who these shadows

belong to.

I have an idea.

How about we guess

the correct animals

while playing Veo, Veo?

Awesome idea.

Let’s go!

Veo, veo.

What do you see?

You have to guess.

What can it be?


Veo, veo, veo.

What do you see?

I see an animal

with a long tongue.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

Try to guess.

Try to guess.

Guess what it is.

A long tongue?

Is it a frog?


An anteater.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Take another guess.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Take another guess.

This animal does not

have any legs.

This animal says,

“Sss, sss, sss!”

Want to try again?

Is it a snake?

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.


I’m not a big fan of snakes.

How will we pass through here?

We can tiptoe quietly

so the snake doesn’t wake up.


I’m going to follow you,


Here we go!

We’ve made it

to the second door.

It’s my turn this time.

Veo, veo.

What do you see?

You have to guess.

What can it be?


Veo, veo, veo.

What do you see?

I see an animal

with long arms and legs.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

Try to guess.

Try to guess.

Guess what it is.

What kind of animal

has long arms and legs?

I think I know.

A sloth!

I know that a sloth

has super long legs

and super long arms.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Take another guess.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Take another guess.

This animal’s favorite food

is bananas.

This animal says,

“Ooh ooh ah ah ah!”

Want to try again?

Is it a monkey?

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.


Those monkeys are

swinging through the vines.

It looks like so much fun.

Let’s swing through the vines

like monkeys.

I think we finally made it

to the last door.

That’s right.

And now,

it’s your turn, Baby Shark!

Veo, veo.

What do you see?

You have to guess.

What can it be?


Veo, veo, veo.

What do you see?

I see an animal

with a long body.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

Try to guess.

Try to guess.

Guess what it is.

A long body?

I know that a weasel has

a super long body.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

You got it wrong.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

You got it wrong.

This animal has

a giant mouth.

This animal has

many, many teeth.

Want to try again?

A crocodile?

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it right.

The crocodile is resting

in the sun over there.

That’s good.

Over there, there is a bridge

that will help us cross the river.

Let’s go!

We almost got caught.

I know.

That was so scary.

But wasn’t it so much fun?



Let’s head home now.

I’m getting hungry and tired.

See you next time,

my dear friends.



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