Girls VS Boys! Race to Build the Biggest Box Fort! (with The Tannerites!)

Girls VS Boys! Race to Build the Biggest Box Fort! (with The Tannerites!) with tags fun squad, kids fun tv, girls vs boys, box fort, race, boys vs girls, boxfort, girls, vs, boys, teams, build box fort, giant box fort, box, fort, cardboard, funny, creative, box fort challenge, jazzy skye, jack skye, kade skye, the fun squad, tannerites, not enough nelsons, ohana adventure
Girls VS Boys! Race to Build the Biggest Box Fort! (with The Tannerites!)
Who will build the biggest, best, and coolest box fort in the world!? Boys with @KadeSkye @JackSkyeOfficial , Kyler, and the boys from the @Tannerites! Girls team with
@JazzySkye, Kalia and the girls from the Tannerites, the girls from the @TheOhanaAdventure and the girls from @NotEnoughNelsons Who will win the epic Box Fort competition game?
Watch the fun video on the Tannerites channel this week called HELP! Dad Turned Into A BABY! Imagination Play Pretend!
Check out our previous collab video with the @tannerites on the @FunSquadFamily channel called Escape the Babysitter! Secret Magic with the Tannerites!
Check out this hilarious video by @rebeccazamolo where she is Pranking Friends in Alphabetical Order:
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