Gardening for Kids and the Pumpkin NEW | Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Wow English TV

Gardening for Kids and the Pumpkin NEW | Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Wow English TV with tags maggie and steve, steve and maggie, steve, maggie, wow english tv, esl english, free english, magic english, learning english, english lesson, english words, english for kids, english for children, learn english kids, learn english, speak english, easy english, english stories for kids, learn english speaking, english stories for children, short stories for kids, kids short stories, stories for children, gardening for kids, stories for kids, pumpkin, wow
Steve and Maggie are in a garden today They are gardening. Steve takes care about his vegetable patch whilst Maggie is helping with her Maggie Magic. Steve also has a very nice pond in the middle of his garden. Steve repeats words such as a cucumber, a lettuce, a tomato, a carrot, a potato and a pumpkin. HAVE FUN and learn English! Funny stories with Steve and Maggie are great. English learning and speaking is easy. Lets start wit our free English lesson.--------------------Wow! teaching materials for kidsRequest books: http://www.wowenglish.comSupport us and you will receive a personalised birthday message for your child from StevePatreon: video clips and songs (Show for kids with Steve and Maggie)Amazon: for kidsiTunes: (T-shirts, mugs, bags, )SpreadShirt: us on Social:Facebook: by Wattsenglish Ltd.