Funny Food Faces Song | English Tree


Funny Food Faces Song | English Tree with tags food song, for kids, kids music, kids food, funny food, funny food faces, food faces, english tree tv, adam tree tv, toddlers, babies, learning video, dbillions, miss rachel, food song for kids, childrens music, nursery rhymes, kindergarten, daycare, preschool, arts and crafts

A fun Food Song all about making funny faces out of different foods! Can you make a funny food face with your breakfast, lunch or dinner? What kind of foods will you use to make the faces? Sing and dance along to this fun kids song while we make different funny food faces with Adam!


You take a piece of toast and put it on a plate

You spread some peanut butter oh it looks so great!

Two blueberries for eyes one nose made from a cherry

You give it eyebrows made of carrots oh how scary!

Fluffy yellow eggs and ketchup for the mouth and eyes

We’ll give it funny hair made out of these french fries

A tooth made out of cheese and bacon for the feet

Give me a fork oh please it’s time for me to eat!

Let’s eat, let’s eat, let’s eat!

Funny face all around me that I see

Funny faces made of food that I can eat, eat, eat

Funny face all around me that I see

Funny faces made of food that I can eat, eat, eat

You take a tortilla with hummus and you spread it

Cherry tomato for the nose, go on and set it!

Two olive eyes, two cracker ears one pepper mouth

Add cucumber whiskers and now you’ve got a mouse!

You take a waffle and you cover it in syrup

One smiling banana so now it really cheers up!

Two raspberries for eyes one nose made from a kiwi

Now cut it up and eat it, isn’t it so funny!?


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