Five Little Speckled Frogs | Cocomelon (ABCkidTV) Nursery Rhymes


Five Little Speckled Frogs | Cocomelon (ABCkidTV) Nursery Rhymes with tags cocomelon, abckidtv, nursery rhymes, children songs, baby songs, kid songs, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, kids song, education, children learning, sing-along, sing-along songs, kids videos, kids video songs, videos for babies, songs for babies, babies songs, babies videos, children's story, best nursery rhymes, best kids songs

Have fun counting to five and learning to dive with this fun song about frogs.Subscribe for new videos every week: http://www.Cocomelon.comFACEBOOK: Five little speckled frogsSat on a speckled logEating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)One jumped into the poolWhere it was nice and coolThen there were four green speckled frogsFour little speckled frogsSat on a speckled logEating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)One jumped into the poolWhere it was nice and coolThen there were three green speckled frogsThree little speckled frogsSat on a speckled logEating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)One jumped into the poolWhere it was nice and coolThen there were two green speckled frogsTwo little speckled frogs Sat on a speckled logEating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)One jumped into the poolWhere it was nice and coolThen there was one green speckled frogOne little speckled frogSat on a speckled logEating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)He jumped into the poolWhere it was nice and coolThen there were no green speckled frogsWatch Our Playlist: http://www.Cocomelon.comFACEBOOK: other nursery rhymes and kids songs:Please and Thank You Phonics Song'm Sorry/Excuse Me Song Up Song Song Birthday Song Original ABC Song rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.