Five Little Monkeys and More | Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Club!

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Five Little Monkeys and More Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Club! Sing along with your favorite Mother Goose Club characters to the classic nursery rhyme Five Little Monkeys!"Watch "Rhyme With Us!" our videos and songs! for videos and activities!Looking for lyrics? Turn on closed captions to sing along!Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small!Traditional. Arranged and adapted by Sockeye Media LLC 2015. All rights reserved.Track List:Five Little MonkeysThe Wheels on the BusLondon Bridge Is Falling DownIf Youre Happy and You Know ItThe Wheels on the BusGoosey Goosey GanderGirls and Boys Come out to PlayWee Willie WinkieThe Wheels on the BusThe Grand Old Duke of YorkBirds of a FeatherBingoGoing to St. IvesOld Woman Who Lived in a ShoePat-a-CakeSkip to My LouHot Cross BunsHumpty DumptyThere Was a Little GirlLittle Miss MuffetPussy-Cat, Pussy-CatRockabye BabyTo Market, to MarketHark! Hark!Muffin ManLavenders BlueCackle Cackle Mother GooseSimple SimonClap Your HandsIce Cream SongCount With MeThis Little PiggyJack SpratItsy Bitsy SpiderOld MacDonald Had a FarmFreight TrainHickory, Dickory, DockJack Be NimbleBaa, Baa, Baa SheepTeddy Bear, Teddy BearRig-a-Jig-JigSix Little DucksThe Bear Went Over the MountainOld MacDonald Had a FarmPop Goes the WeaselOne, Two, Three, Four, FiveFive Little MonkeysSoccer RockerPlanting SongRockin' RobotThis Old ManABC Song with Eep the MouseJack Be NimbleThree Little KittensThree Little KittensThis Little PiggyThis Little PiggyHickory, Dickory, Dock